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“Our only goal is to help children and adults fulfill their potential.”
–Dr. Risa Tabacoff, founder & director, DAIC

Testing and Therapy


Books We Recommend

There are many books about children. Below are the ones we especially like.

Please contact us if there are other books you think we should include. See The Learning Letter for our latest book review & the Learning Letter Archive for past reviews.

(DAIC does not endorse nor derive any benefit from the sale of the following books)

On Boys:

Garbarino, James (2000), Lost Boys: Why Our Sons Turn Violent and How We Can Save Them

Gurian, Michael (1997), Wonder of Boys: What Parents , Mentors and Educators Can Do to Shape Boys Into Exceptional Men

Kindlon, Don & Thompson, Michael (2000) Raising Cain

Pollack S. William (1999), Real Boys: Rescuing Our Sons From the Myths of Boyhood

On Girls:

Gurian, Michael (2002), The Wonder of Girls: Understanding the Hidden Nature of Our Daughters

Pipher, Mary (1995), Reviving Ophelia:Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls

Shandler, Sara (1999), Ophelia Speaks: Adolescent Girls write about Their Search for Self

General Interest:

Willis, Judy (2008), How Your Child Learns Best-Friendly Strategies You Can Use to Ignite Your Child’s Learning and Increase School Success
(reviewed in The Learning Letter,)

Mangrum, Charles T., II (2000), Colleges with Programs for Students with Learning Disabilities or Attention Deficit Disorders

Shaywitz, Sally (2003), Overcoming Dyslexia, A New and Complete Science-Based Program for Reading Problems at Any Level (see review in Archives)

Goleman, Daniel (1995), Emotional Intelligence, Why it can matter more than IQ

Gardner, Howard (1993), Multiple Intelligences, The Theory in Practice


Colleges for Students with Learning Disabilities or AD/HD profiles four-year and two-year institutions with comprehensive programs for students with learning disabilities and attention deficit disorder, as well as those that merely provide special services and assistance. Directs special-needs students to services and programs at 1,000 two and four-year colleges and universities in the U.S. and Canada. With specific information on testing, tutoring, and counseling as well as professional advice on college selection and preparation. Author: Peterson’s
ISBN: 0768925061







“Our only goal is to help children
and adults fulfill their potential.”

Psychology Center, Testing

DAIC, founded by Dr. Risa Tabacoff,
a NY State licensed psychologist
has been successfully maximizing potential in children and adults for
over 20 years.

Serving the New York City Tri-State area with offices in
Bedford Hills, NY